Marvel Snap - Doomgirls deck

Like a BAero but with Doom.

Doomgirls is a variation of the BAero deck, designed to be more consistent for tournament play.


With the inclusion of Doom, the deck’s consistency and area pressure have been improved. Doom is preferred over Leader for these effects.

Some strong plays are:

In addition to its pressure benefits, Doom can also be utilized to access previously unreachable locations with the aid of Bucky Barnes and Squirrel Girl.

If you don’t have a strong play, this deck alone cannot create a miracle and it may be best to retreat.


One issue with this deck is the mana cost, as it can be challenging to manage. If things go well, the death cost will be low, but if the deck isn’t performing as expected, it may be necessary to retreat. The main strategy in these cases is to win one location, then pass on the turn 5, to play She-Hulk on an empty location on turn 6 and Aero on another location to capture all of the opponent’s cards.