Go programming language

Why Go?


Hey there! Have you heard about Go? It’s a programming language created at Google in 2009, and it’s been gaining popularity ever since!

What’s so great about Go, you ask? Well, let me tell you. Go was designed with simplicity, performance, and concurrency in mind. That means it’s fast, efficient, and can handle multiple tasks at once (just like you, right? 😉).

One of the coolest things about Go is its garbage collection feature, which automatically frees up memory when it’s no longer needed. Say goodbye to memory leaks! And with goroutines, you can write code that runs multiple tasks simultaneously, making it easy to handle even the most complex projects. But Go isn’t just about performance and efficiency. It also has built-in support for creating web applications through its net/http package. This means you can easily build web servers and web applications without having to learn a bunch of new libraries and tools. And the best part? Go is super easy to read and maintain. Its syntax is simple and easy to understand, which makes it a great choice for developers who are new to programming or who are switching from other languages. Plus, it’s open-source, which means anyone can use it for free and contribute to its development.

So if you’re looking for a modern programming language that’s both powerful and easy to use, give Go a try! You might just fall in love with it.

Check out my bachelor’s thesis on Go programming language, which is available on this repository!